by Madison | Dec 2, 2023 | phone sex specials, Uncategorized
This post is just to announce my erotic cuckold audio and the December specials we have for all of you guys! Soooo …. I made an erotic cuckold audio! Finally, and I am so excited and you should be too *giggles*. Listen to me describe being fucked by an Alpha...
by Madison | May 1, 2023 | masturbation, phone sex specials
It’s Masturbation May and you know I love masturbating, but who doesn’t, right? It’s a natural and healthy part of life! There are so many ways to enjoy yourself. I prefer my pillow, but I have other toys as well. The way I masturbate depends...
by Madison | Nov 18, 2022 | phone sex specials
Why do you get a FREE 10 minute phone sex call with me today? Because I am your Mistress of the Day!!! I will be around during my usual morning hours and you will see me throughout the day and evening!! It is our 20th phone sex Anniversary, and it is our gift to you!...
by Madison | Nov 1, 2022 | phone sex specials
We are celebrating 20 years of phone sex and you will get 10 free phone sex minutes with the Mistress of the day! And my day is November 18th, mark it on your calendars! This for all current and past callers to our service and if you haven’t made a call yet to...
by Madison | Oct 15, 2022 | phone sex specials
Trick or Treat everyone! I hope you are enjoying our 2022 Monsters Ball Blog Train; I know I am! You should have just come from Ms. Daphne’s stop and now it’s my turn! Trick or Treat is a fun time, well for me it is. I just love a good Halloween party....
by Madison | Jul 31, 2022 | phone sex specials, Uncategorized
I would like to thank everyone who participated in my Anniversary special! You’ve made it an awesome month. The lucky winners have been notified, but if you didn’t win this month don’t worry! There is MORE! We have a Sizzling Summer special for the...